
Featured Courier: James Purdy

July 14th, 2016 Featured Courier

This weeks awesome member of the Good Foot Crew is James Purdy. James Purdy James came to Good Foot Delivery through the Canadian Hearing Society and has been part of the Good Foot crew now for close to 4 years.

James loves being able to use his walker to make point to point deliveries via the great Toronto Transit system. He greets his clients with a smile which has led to many happy clients. He has also seen more of this city than he never knew existed. In his spare time, James likes to be with his Maltese dog Bailey and playing on his iPad.

To James, spending time with friends and family is important. He also likes to watch Pink Floyd and Brit Floyd concerts. He follows the music as best he can with his limited hearing “knowing some of the music helps” he says because he can fill in most of the gaps from memory. In the office, the ladies swoon over him but sorry ladies he is happily married to his loving wife of 10+ years.

Thanks James for being an awesome addition to the Good Foot Delivery team.

Learn some of James’s answers to some fun questions about life & the eternal question (chicken or steak)

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