
We Completed the 2021 TTC Challenge!

December 22nd, 2021 Blog

Hooray! We are thrilled to announce the completion of the 2021 TTC Challenge. Folks across Toronto and the GTA raised $13,713 for our charity. We are so incredibly grateful for the amazing fundraising efforts of all the participants. Thank you Canada Running Series for selecting Good Foot as the official Charity Partner, and thank you to all of our supporters for helping us reach this fundraising milestone! 

Our team accomplished some exceptional feats over the course of the 30 day challenge window. We had 8 team members participate in the challenge, with most completing the challenge early! We are so proud of our Good Foot team. Here are some fun statistics from our team’s totals:

Alan, Ada, and Misha completed the marathon first, reaching 76.5 km by December 6th with 11 days to spare!

Alan’s longest walk was 7.42km. Very impressive! Barb made it her goal to walk to and from our office to the train each day. Go Barb!

Our team travelled 688.25 km in total, which equals the distance from Toronto to Vermont!

Once again, we want to send our sincerest thanks to all of the folks who got out there to run and walk despite the snow and chilly temperatures. Your efforts allow us to continue our work supporting the neuro-diverse community. The proceeds from the TTC Challenge will go towards enhancing the programming and support provided through our In, Up, & Out initiative.

What a wonderful way to enter the holiday season – energized by our TTC family of supporters and by the physicality of completing a marathon. Thank you again to all those who have made this fundraising possible.

If you have a chance, check out the video we created to say THANK YOU to everyone that played an important role in the success of this challenge! 

Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season!

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