

Featured Courier -Braden Anderson

Braden Anderson came to Good Foot Delivery in 2016. He loves being a courier. He meets new people and gets to explore the city at the same time. His hobbies …

Featured Courier: Alan Bernstein

Alan Bernstein’s Good Foot Delivery story came by the way of meeting Alan’s brother Jeffrey Bernstein during a social gathering.  He setup a meeting to discuss Alan joining the Good Foot Crew. …

Ari sits down with Royal St. George College (RSGC) 7th Grade Students for the “Living Library”

Ari recently sat down with 7th grade students from Royal Saint George College and did a series of Q&As. Students were fascinated by his descriptions of how he pushes past …

Super excited to be at GoodFoot

My name is Alan Bernstein and I have been a Courier at Good Foot since January 2014. I enjoy working at Good Foot because I do deliveries every Wednesday and …